I have always struggled to motivate myself in the gym, but it turns out jump was the answer to all my prayers!
Edyta has made such welcoming, non-judgemental, enjoyable atmosphere, which is really electric when everyone starts jumping. With a mixture of great music, crazy lights and Edyta powerful energy, this gym is the only place in the world you would want to be for that hour of training and really cares for each and every member of the gym.
Exercise is important, especially in these daunting and uncertain times, World Jumping Clonmel gives you a chance for a break away from the crazy reality at the minute, leaving everything at the door, ready to give you best workout for the hour you are there.
I have not only improved my fitness, but have gained confidence and made life long friends along the way.
— Nicole
I was asked to write a testimonial about my weight fitness journey.
I find this very difficult as I really don't know where to start. I have been on a life journey of many diets and eating plans the latest fads but sadly I was unable to sustain any of them. I really believe that this is due to the fact that I wasn't prepared to commit myself to a healthier life style and always made excuses.. I always loved to exercise even at my biggest 18st 2
I was always active but socialising and bad choices took me over. I longed to wear clothes that my friends and family were wearing. I had to travel to cities to buy clothes and always spent a fortune that's why I celebrate when I find a bargain! .
So time for change ....how am I going to do this? How can I give myself the time that I deserve, instead of looking after everyone else s needs .I met some fabulous new friends on my journey who were most encouraging and believed that I could make whatever changes I needed to make to be happier. So my journey of change has been fantastic I found my love for a healthier life in body and mind .I have discovered changes in me that I never thought possible. My body is strong but most importantly my mind is stronger.
This year has been my healthiest lockdown drove me to a place where there was no turning back ..I met my beautiful friend and trainer Edyta she could see the determination in me and has empowered me beyond belief..
World Jumping Clonmel is part of my everyday life and my PT time where I'm pushed to the limit..
The difference in my muscle tone is remarkable and we are constantly changing workouts to keep me challenged..
The last 12 weeks have been truly uplifting and I thank you for all your support and encouragement.❤
— Sylvia
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